The Vaccine Confidence Project provides resources and training to educate healthcare professionals and the public which share the goal of optimizing vaccine confidence in MA, to ensure that all residents are fully protected against vaccine preventable disease.
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Search Results:
2023 MDPH Immunization Updates: Vaccine Conversations That Work – Karen Ernst
As a result of participating in this activity, learners should be able to:
- Review effective approaches to vaccine discussions.
- Identify ways to address common vaccine concerns including COVID-19
Standing Orders Templates for Administering Vaccines
Standing Orders Templates for Administering Vaccines
MDPH Immunization Updates: Immunization Schedule Updates
As a result of participating in this activity, learners should be able to:
- State two changes to the 2023 Childhood and Adult Immunization Schedules
- List the COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States
Vaccination Communication: Inoculating against Misinformation
Recorded webinar addressing vaccine misinformation and methods for demystifying misinformation.
Fall 2022 Virtual Seminars: Keys to Improving HPV Vaccination
Fall 2022 Virtual Seminars: Keys to Improving HPV Vaccination
Cervical Cancer Risk Assessor
This website provides information designed for patients and the general public to better understand cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination.
National HPV Roundtable: Start at Age 9 Toolkit
American Cancer Society’s National HPV Vaccination Roundtable has developed the “Start at Age 9” toolkits that can be used by practitioners in their practice
CDC-Understanding the ACIP and How Vaccines Recommendations are Made in the US
In this educational video developed with the Public Health Foundation (PHF), you’ll learn the purpose of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), its role in developing vaccine recommendations, and the process of vaccine recommendation development and approval. Are Safe: Explaining Why
This document begins to explain the science underpinning public confidence in today’s vaccines. Each segment provides part of the total picture. Together, the accumulated scientific evidence explains the prudence of routine vaccination policies
American College of Physician-I Raise the Rates Adult Immunization Resource Hub
Raise the Rates initiative provides adult immunization resources and vaccination information to help clinicians increase adult immunization rates in their practices
Adult Vaccine Coverage in Medicaid: Assessing Existing Gaps and Looking Ahead to Implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act
Study to identify current gaps in the adult vaccine coverage landscape, Avalere assessed Medicaid FFS and MMC coverage policies in all 50 states plus Washington DC. This research occurred from April through December 2021 and included five ACIP-recommended adult vaccines—influenza, Tdap, HPV, PPSV23, and PCV13
What do you know about COVID-19 vaccines?
YouTube video on 'What do you know about COVID-19 vaccines?'
Practical Immunization Microlearning Resources
Practical strategies for making strong flu and other vaccine recommendations
High Value Care Immunization Referral Toolkit
This High Value Immunization Referral Toolkit, developed as part of ACP’s I Raise the Rates initiative, provides resources to facilitate more effective and collaborative immunization referrals among those in your patient’s immunization neighborhood.
Boosting COVID-19 Vaccination with #PostVaxLife Vaccine Ambassadors in Worcester, Massachusetts
The UMass Chan Prevention Research Center is promoting confidence and use of COVID-19 vaccines among youth and families in Worcester, Massachusetts. Funded by the CDC's Prevention Research Network, we are amplifying the voices of youth and families through our Worcester Vaccine Ambassador media campaign.
Reframing the Conversation about Child and Adolescent Vaccinations
This strategic brief includes five evidence-based recommendations for communicating about vaccinations, based on rigorous framing research conducted by the FrameWorks Institute, in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Reframing the Conversation about Child and Adolescent Vaccinations
The purpose of this brief is to equip physicians, advocates, and public health communicators with the strategies necessary to effectively build understanding of and support for child and adolescent vaccinations.
Letter from AAP President
Reframing the Conversation About Child and Adolescent Vaccinations
National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants (NRC-RIM)
The National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants (NRC-RIM) is funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the International Organization for Migration to support health departments and community organizations working with refugee, immigrant, and migrant (RIM) communities that have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19
Vaccine Fears, Overturned by Facts
Vaccine Fears, Overturned by Facts was created by Back to the Vax, and the Immunize Kansas Coalition. A pdf containing facts which address most misinformation about vaccines.